Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hugh Hendry as the Plasticine Trader

Late last year I highlighted a 5 part video series on Hugh Hendry in one of his steadily declining public appearances. In it he used a key term to describe his trading aspirations; the 'Plasticine Trader'

Here's a few excerpts from that series, completely lifted from a new blog called Chasing the vig. I guess I have a new book to put on my reading queue and a new blog to follow.

I have clipped the blog post down quite a bit so I suggest you click on over and read the entire entry. I have also highlighted and bolded some sections I found interesting

Steve Drobny's book The Invisible Hands includes one of the best interviews of a fund manager/trader. Ever. The chapter is called The Plasticine Macro Trader and it is none other than Hugh Hendry, manager of the hedge fund Eclectica Asset Management. This is how we should be thinking and trading. Also, he's highly entertaining. Read the entire thing, but here's some snippets:
Today’s long-only stars operated during a period of time where investors did not require a macro compass.  Today your average long-only guy does not spend much time looking at interest rates, currencies, debt levels, and other key macro variables. I have even been to conferences where fund managers have boasted, “I don’t know where oil prices are going; I don’t know where interest rates are going; I don’t know anything about the government.”  . . . For the last 30 years they could get away with that nonsense, but now at a historic turning point they are being found out.

Again, remember, I believe there is a degree of predictability to what has been happening in markets for the last 10 years. I believe that our generation is embarking upon a long period of unwinding financial excesses. Stock market returns could be terrible for the foreseeable future. If you believe people like Niall Ferguson, debt deflation eliminates all of the gains from the preceding boom, it purges everything. By 1974, we had eliminated all of the real gains from the American stock market since 1906. If we consider Japan as an example, the Topix would have to trade at 300 (or one third its present level) to be comparable with the lows reached during the 1970s on Wall Street. At this point, all of the real gains since the index was reconfigured in 1969 would have been eliminated. . . . 

Have the courage to be different, the courage to risk the ire of others for the sake of being right; to fight rather than embrace compromises everywhere. We have to encourage rebellious notions such as playfulness and curiosity. There is no one correct way of doing things that is set in stone. Periodically managers should be open to trying different approaches.

George Soros explains a version of this phenomenon when he says, “Invest first, and investigate later.” But this is heresy in the institutional money world. When I suggest stuff like that, the number crunchers and the box tickers write down, “crazy guy” and make their polite goodbyes. But every so often a heretic turns out to be a genius.
. . .
Even a true contrarian is only really contrarian about 20 percent of the time; it’s all about choosing the right moment to fight convention. The rest of the time is spent trend following. So I guess I am a trend-following contrarian. I come back to describing myself as a disciplined deviant. But every description that I have for myself is an oxymoron, and when I present my views, most people just think I’m a moron.

I have Tourette’s syndrome—I say “fuck” at all at the wrong times. One of my mentors taught me how to articulate that Tourette’s and then play the odds, become trend following and recognize when the elasticity becomes so extreme that your Tourette’s becomes valid and has the possibility of profits.

I jokingly claim that my best investment decisions come from being a paranoid schizophrenic. I hear voices in my head. Subconsciously and explicitly I seek to create a macro prejudice. And so there’s an ongoing debate by those voices in my head. But the scary thing is that I make investment decisions based on these voices. And so does everyone else. I just talk about it openly and honestly. When I make such decisions I become very fearful, paranoid like a schizophrenic, that these decisions may jeopardize my investors and my portfolio. I would contend that this fear makes me a better investor.
. . . 
That’s the hook; it is one thing to create the intellectual color but it doesn’t go into the portfolio until it starts to gain the attraction of relative momentum. I need the legitimacy of other curious strangers before I get involved.

Last summer I was on CNBC talking up Potash [Corporation of Saskatchewan], saying it was the best positioned company in the world when I suddenly realized everyone was agreeing with me. So I got out. Thank God I can reject my own advice because from July to October of 2008 its performance was diabolical.

The thing that I’m most fearful of is a focused fund, or a portfolio of 20 best ideas, which is a concept that marketed well a few years ago. The reason this idea can prove disastrous is that “best” is an emotionally charged word. Giving up on your best idea is the same as admitting that you’re wrong, something crucially important but very difficult to do.

I don’t believe that there is any real diversification left in the world today, at least not the kind of diversification to which you refer. And the shocking nature of the results in 2008 demonstrates this fact. We live in a world of binary events. Over the last 10 years, markets have oscillated between inflation and deflation, and people are either all in or all out. What we’re trying to do is make sure that we’re leaning at the right time, correctly anticipating the oscillation.
. . .
The same “upside down” logic prevailed in 1979 when Volcker became chairman of the Fed. You had this new sheriff in town who was honest and tough. He was going to raise interest rates to make the economy very weak in order to parch the system of its inflation. He was a dream come true for a bond bull, and yet bonds got destroyed whilst gold doubled to $800 in three months. (See Figure 13.8.) The problem was that Volcker had to come clean on the Fed’s dirty little secret. In order to have the legitimacy to be so hawkish, he had to admit that the problem was inflation; investors panicked and scrambled to protect themselves with gold. A hawk produced a melt-up in gold. Could the dovish Bernanke produce a similar melt-up at the long end of the bond market?
. . .
We are spending all of our time looking for inflation because the Fed will be slow in raising interest rates while the roof is caving in. The private sector’s desire to unburden itself of debt is so great that debt deflation seems much more likely. And if it rolls over with everyone loaded up on risk again, playing commodities and inflation expectations, bonds could go parabolic. The bull market in government bonds is one of the greatest bull markets of all time, and bull markets of that magnitude do not end with a whimper.

Typically my work is all about creating context to establish an environment where I might want to take risk. The challenge with risk management is finding the appropriate moment to expose yourself to that risk. I don’t think the right moment has come to pass for Japan just yet, but this is an idea that I have fermented for five years. Back then, I said that for the trade to work, we would need an extraneous economic shock which pushes dollar/yen down to around the 80s, and we have essentially been there. I am always in danger of wanting too much, but I am looking for those levels again in any subsequent round of global risk aversion. If that happens, I fear the Japanese will debauch their currency in an attempt to generate inflation to monetize their considerable public sector debts. With the majority of the private sector still invested in post office savings, such a step would cause a panic to buy equities and the Nikkei could go back to 40,000. Typically it requires 25 years to break a previous nominal price high in an asset class that has suffered a bubble. So who knows, maybe this is the trade for next decade? They have covered the place with kerosene, now all they have to do is light the match.

I live an interesting life. I made 50 percent in October 2008 and my biggest investor fired me. He said he had a manager that was down 30 percent on the year, but that manager “gets it,” so he was going to stay invested with him. Meanwhile, I made 30 percent on the year and I get fired because I don’t get it? This is the curse of my life. I seem to collect all sorts of witty dinner party anecdotes from my experiences, but I pray for a less interesting life.

Markets are irrational but they are right at every moment. They are right until they are wrong. You have to marry the notion of being right or wrong with being right with the timing of a given proposition. This is not a business that indulges intellectual prejudice.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Seasonality and initial unemployment claims

Weekly initial unemployment claims were released today and they showed an increase to 399,000, countering the recent downward trend.  Details can be found at the DOL

I would not make much of the current gyrations, up and down. As the graph below shows, right now we are at the highest seasonal peak of layoffs/firings.  Each year you can see a massive increase in initial claims just around the new year. This makes estimating the trend very difficult.  (Translation, put very large error bars on data around the new year)

I wonder how many financial models out there reduce the weight of this data (and other series) when they are less accurate?  

Here's the two data series on a year over year basis.  While initial claims are still declining the rate of decline appears to have leveled off. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The military intelligence non-event and non-failure of Kim Jong Il's death

Most of the world knows by now of the death of North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Il.  You may also know it took more than 48 hours before the information was publicly announced to the world and the announcement came from the North Koreans themselves and not from any western intelligence services.

The New York Times recently ran an article claiming this is a failure of western intelligence services:
For South Korean and American intelligence services to have failed to pick up any clues to this momentous development — panicked phone calls between government officials, say, or soldiers massing around Mr. Kim’s train — attests to the secretive nature of North Korea, a country not only at odds with most of the world but also sealed off from it in a way that defies spies or satellites.

My question to the New York Times and everyone else is how do you know we didn't know about it?  IF our intelligence agencies had picked up the information and then broadcast this news to the world do you think this would have been a good use of that intelligence gathering method?  News and information coming out of North Korea is challenging at best so IF our spooks had a channel to this sort of high level information why should we let the North Koreans know we have the information ourselves?

During the Clinton administration it was leaked that our CIA was spying on the Japanese during trade negotiations.  Talk about short sighted. If you are successfully gathering information why go public with your success? From the LA Times:
Among the successes, sources say, is strong intelligence information the CIA provided on the Japanese during this spring's heated auto trade negotiations between the Clinton Administration and Japan. "We've done really well with the Japanese," one source said.
Now of course it is entirely possible our spooks did not find out about Kim Jong Il's death until the public release.  I hope not but it is entirely possible. If so there is hope on the horizon. In 2008 Orascom was granted a monopoly license to provide cell phone service in North Korea.
Orascom Telecom Holding was awarded a Greenfield license to establish and operate a WCDMA (3G) network in DPRK in January 2008. koryolink was launched in December 15th 2008 as a joint venture between OTH (75%) and Korea Posts and Telecomm Corp. (KPTC) (25%). koryolink has deployed its 3G network to initially cover the capital Pyongyang - which has a population of more than 2 million - with an ambitious plan, already under implementation, to extend coverage to the entire country. OTH has over 431 thousand subscribers and 100% market share as of December 2010.
All it would take is a few well placed  bits of hardware and software installed onto that network to provide a flood of data for our intelligence services to chew through. Furthermore cell phone transmissions can be remotely detected and analyzed if a physical connection to the network cannot be obtained.  As the North Koreans discover the convenience of cell phones the challenges of intelligence gathering will lessen.

Additional reading:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Twitter Linkage roundup

Some good links and tweets from my twitter stream:

RT @QuoteJunkie: "To Avoid Criticism, Do Nothing, Say Nothing, And Do Nothing." - Elbert Hubbard #Quotes
Stunning @BrazilFinance: Anyone who has doubts EU is a failure should read this: http://t.co/KLCoVjjk
RT @ForexLive: ForexLive: Fed swaps with ECB nearly $900 mln http://t.co/3n9xBqzT
I know I'm repeating myself, but these charts are going the wrong way if you are bullish: http://t.co/Mz0UM73y http://t.co/uIGD6kVb 
Skullcandy's Groupons are creeping up to higher and higher priced inventory http://t.co/0N8VKSPU First $59 deal $SKUL %SKUL
RT @tomkeene: Europe's shrinking money supply flashes slump warning - Telegraph http://t.co/J9z8nbWa ...money supply doesn't matter...right.
RT @OpenSecretsDC: What companies have your lawmakers personally invested in? Find out in our congressional wealth database: http://t.co/fTWkmsBV #tcot #ows
RT @relevantorgans: How can 23 yr old son of a lifelong public servant drive a red Ferrari? The magic of socialism! Now shut up and dig. http://t.co/MoDsIQTM
RT @Uldis_Zelmenis: Hit of the day by Citi: For 35 years post WW2 real returns on debt were negative. The negative returns in th (cont) http://t.co/IfcqeNhs
Falling Chinese home prices http://t.co/FEtKhpIg
A snippet on Hugh Hendry's recent trading strategy http://t.co/IaWq45cG
RT @theanalyst_hk: Seriously, how could I be bullish? http://t.co/YnPoztie
LED bulb benefit/cost at inflection point http://t.co/Qpz8qu7x #yesiamageek
@BadassoftheWeek swimming lessons http://t.co/hJRhyhdH

How much better can it all get? http://t.co/yyRRYdfv ---- Looking at whether all the good/bad news is out
RT @jennyandteets: Guys, know who likes to hear about your fantasy football team? Your fantasy girlfriend #yourekillingme -- I have enough problems with the real world, I don't need to stress about my fantasy life as well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

China's lending in context -- Time to pay the bill

Earlier this month I highlighted the continued deceleration in Chinese lending growth from it's peak in late 2009.  Just how massive their credit growth was unknown to me until this recent post and chart by Global Macro Monitor

The growth in lending right after the 2008/09 credit crisis is truly spectacular, even compared to other high growth Asian economies.  I'll snicker even more when I hear talking heads gush about how the Chinese mandarins were able to 'navigate' their way through the economic crisis and their ability to manage such a large economy.
They just called up the bankers and said LEND.
The bankers asked,  "How much?"
It was not some Chinese mastery of the economic cycle or superior technocratic skill; it was simply an ability to throw lots of money at the problem. Unfortunately for China the bill is now coming due.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Linkage roundup

Some reading material for you from my twitter stream:

Italian default scenarios by Credit Writedowns http://t.co/XZ1feKq5 -- The situation in Italy is getting worse. 
Doubline Emerging Markets Income Fund Presentation. Good emerging market review http://t.co/x5OicI8J
RT @BrazilFinance: m'fer... RT @zerohedge: Presenting Europe's Remaining 2011 Bond And Bill Auctions... All 104 Of Them http://t.co/jjJOxRPi
RT @thenewstribune: Crystal plans to open Friday, but #WhitePass and The Summit at #Snoqualmie in wait-and-see mode: http://t.co/bok5eeQz -- ski season opens early in the Pacific Northwest. Go global warming!
Social media decision tree http://t.co/tZ4nxDuZ
Interbank credit stress examples #2,346 and 47 http://t.co/Mz0UM73y http://t.co/uIGD6kVb -- Until these stop rising I'm not getting bullish.
Spain/Germany spreads at fresh highs http://t.co/Q8tuP3eB -- not good
RT @AlephBlog: Europes liquidity crisis http://t.co/deWTyNf8 The spread on senior unsecured bank debt measures EZone financial credit stress: high now $$
RT @EpicureanDeal: Spot on: "The hiring of Chelsea Clinton doesnt so much debase... TV news... as reveal its true value." http://t.co/rV9rTGB8
RT @niubi: A Desperate Apartment Seller In Beijing | Sinocism http://t.co/DuDojIWZ
RT @PragCapitalist: OECD: LEADING INDICATORS POINT TO SLOWING GLOBAL GROWTH: Just in case Europe didnt have you feeling uncertain e... http://t.co/V1yAL4Pu
Chinese ghost cities get really wierd: http://t.co/Q4B4UeS5
Now the WSJ gets bullish on munis: http://t.co/V4VX0xgR I've been bullish a while, still holding $MUB http://t.co/Z2xoDWcv
RT @creditplumber: Great little 18min TED video about lie spotting by Pamela Meyer. http://t.co/wbW1GT3w via @Ritholtz
RT @pdacosta: Big Obama donor got no-bid $433 mln contract to supply experimental drug for threat that may not exist http://t.co/qkGMXD6A h/t @AdamPSharp
RT @BergenCapital: $MSG - a lost NBA season is about 100mm of EBITDA off of $MSG (40% of FY 2012 EBITDA)
Skullcandy $SKUL keeps unloading inventory via Groupon. The latest: http://t.co/DNDCLhaE
Time lapse video of Earth from space station. Very beautiful! http://t.co/hrdDsA2m
RT @stlouisfed: New data available on FRED: Indexes on housing affordability from the National Association of Realtors http://t.co/z4APddru
RT @thetailchaser: USD 3m Libor fixings. It seems some institutions r getting squeezd out of the market. Takin other institutions w/ them http://t.co/WPzOVMDH
How much more can the ECB buy? http://t.co/z2m5L0R7
RT @ritholtz: Joke of the day: The Italian debt crisis is now being renamed Lehmancello $$
RT @izakaminska: Another brilliant blog from Lew Spellman http://t.co/bgmQdipu
How you fail is important and continually praising kids for 'being smart' can backfire. http://t.co/ycfOUekP
RT @PragCapitalist: IS THE CHINESE PROPERTY MARKET COLLAPSING?: Despite all the clamoring over a new recession, it looks like the U.... http://t.co/Rhl9Rmww
Motivation -> http://t.co/74a0c1yL

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Inflation expectations in the bond market

Here's an update on inflation expectations as expressed by the bond market.   As the nominal 10 year yield continues to drop it has pushed the TIPS real yield to nearly zero.  Some investors may grouse at the option of buying a security that guarantees a zero real return for the next 10 years and I agree with their sentiments. 

As to why this situation exists I would suggest it is a result of the Fed's desire to reflate the economy by numerous unconventional means (zero short rates, all the various flavors of QE)  

The spread between nominal and real yields has remains remarkably stable near the 2% mark with some noise on either side.   If we have another financial crisis, this time in Europe, I wonder if we'll see another drop in the implied breakeven rate....