Showing posts with label hugh hendry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hugh hendry. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2010

Video from Russian Forum -- Various hedge fund managers discuss the world

A video from the recent Russian Forum.  It's an hour+ but I suggest you watch it all.

Numerous topics are covered including, coal, energy, Russia, China, US Treasuries, Emerging versus Developed economies.  Includes Hugh Hendry, one of my favorite money managers.

ht Zerohedge

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hey buddy, can you spare a city?

Ran across this on my daily blog troll.  I posted a while ago video by Hugh Hendry showing an empty skyscraper in China.  This video completely trumps such small matters as a single building, here's an entire city.... empty!

I spent some time on Google maps and found satellite photos of empty Ordos.  Wow. Scroll around and you will see just how big the place really is. Notice the new construction with no cars on the road or parked at the homes.   From the shadows it appears around noon time so you'd think there would be some activity, right?

I think there is a little bit of malinvestment going on in China.  When the populous does not have valid and efficient uses for their capital they end up buying apartments in empty cities.  Makes the chinese pig farmer hoarding copper look entirely rational, eh?   Like America property prices only go up in China, right?

Here's an article by the westerner interviewed in the video.

If this isn't a blatant example of a bubble, I do not know what is.  When this bubble finally bursts the world wide ramifications will be tremendous.

ht: zerohedge

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hugh Hendry on Chinese Yuan, gold, stocks, potash, and agriculture

It's a busy Hugh Hendry day.  Here's some video interviews from this morning.

Hugh Hendry on Chinese Yuan (CNBC, 2009 October 16)  - China doesn't and or can't free the yuan from the dollar and how this creates stress on Europe and Japan.  Lower dollar values are improving China's trade position.

Hugh Hendry on Agriculture and Potash (CNBC, 2009 October 16)

Hugh Hendry on Gold and Stocks (CNBC, 2009 October 16) -- Hugh states stocks and gold are very crowded trades.

Some very different perspectives.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hugh Hendry and Eclectica fund August 2009 commentary

I ran across Hugh Hendry a several weeks ago and enjoy his irreverant style.

The Great Debate right now is inflation versus deflation and Mr. Hendry falls in the deflation camp.

Here's the August 2009 Eclectica commentary which he manages.

Hugh Hendry is also very bearish on China.

Mr. Hendry's positions are quite contrary. How many of his predictions come true will be interesting to observe.