Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hugh Hendry coming out of hibernation -- Video at recent conference

Mr. Hugh Hendry of Eclectica appears to have come out of his self imposed social hibernation. Below is a video from the Milken Institute conference where he is part of a panel discussing Europe's problems.  It is a long video but I suggest you watch it.

While Mr. Hendry appears to be still very bearish about Europe I do agree with the person on his right that now is the time to start looking for opportunities. (note, I said LOOK)  With all their problems and low stock prices there must be some incredible buys amongst all the wreckage that European austerity is creating. I'm not suggesting you buy now but start doing your homework.  Anyone have any ideas? I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks Alphaville blog

edit: Here's the details on the panel speakers

Monday, April 30, 2012

Eclectica Fund commentary by Hugh Hendry

Hugh Hendry (Hedge fund manager of Eclectica fund) recently released his April commentary which you will find below. (Thanks ValueWalk)

Mr. Hendry has been less visible recently so it is nice to hear his most recent thoughts.  As always he provides some thought provoking ideas and historical analogs to our current situation.  It will be very interesting to see if his ideas and predictions are correct.  Like the name of his fund, his view are 'eclectic'.

April 2012 Hugh Henry

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Linkage roundup

Some reading material for you from my twitter stream: - Italy near tipping point of increased margin requirements. I'm not the only one talking about this
RT @zerohedge: Hugh Hendry says he has made bets that will deliver a 40-to-1 return if the ECB cuts rates below 1% next year
RT @edwardnh: The fact Greece's exit from euro has been discussed openly is seismic shift
I'll get bullish when this stops going up.
97% of family businesses don't make it past the 3rd generation
RT @FGoria: MT @M_McDonough: Italian CDS implying, country may be at risk of losing its investment grade status:
RT @mbusigin: Note that we did work on this in August, which gave us a different (bullish) signal:
RT @mbusigin: The few times realised volatility has eclipsed implied volatility, it presaged large declines:
RT @edwardnh: Greece gets ultimatum: accept austerity plan or forgo extra bailout cash | Business | The Guardian -- Greece later backed down.
RT @edwardnh: France and Germany to withhold aid, Greece to be ejected #in $$ 
Greek referendum provides political cover
RT @PragCapitalist: THE GREEK REFERENDUM AND THE ROLE OF DEMOCRACY: I set off a bit of a firestorm on Twitter this afternoon when I ...
New international bond etf's for Germany, Canada, and Australia $aud $cad $bund
Balestra Capitals Matthew Lucket Talks Gold, Deleveraging Story, and China Credit Problem @historysquared

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Late Night Linkage

Postings have been light due to some business related demands.  Here's some links to my recent reads from the last few days.

Vuvuzela -- Will it blend? Youtube

Telegraph - did BIS gold swap spook the markets?

From Chinadaily - Property restrictions continue.
Chinadaily - Home price appreciation slows.
Chinadaily - Rate of lending slows in China.

From CalculatedRisk - A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can wipe away a 2nd lien.

From FT -- The financialization of commodities.

From Hellenicshipping - A lot of spare LNG ships standing idle.

Globe and Mail - Canada exporting lumber to China.

Sovereign debt
CalculatedRisk - How much debt is there and what is the probability of default?  It's a multi part series. Good stuff.
GMO - White paper on defaults in history. Very good. Intend to write longer blog post about this.

BP / Oill spill
WSJ - BP has replaced old cap, trying new one in an attempt to stop leak.  (This is at least 24 hours old.)

Telegraph - Legal challenges to bailout of Greece.
WSJ - Moody's downgrades Portugal.

Annaly - The debt deleveraging continues.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hugh Hendry on Chinese Yuan, gold, stocks, potash, and agriculture

It's a busy Hugh Hendry day.  Here's some video interviews from this morning.

Hugh Hendry on Chinese Yuan (CNBC, 2009 October 16)  - China doesn't and or can't free the yuan from the dollar and how this creates stress on Europe and Japan.  Lower dollar values are improving China's trade position.

Hugh Hendry on Agriculture and Potash (CNBC, 2009 October 16)

Hugh Hendry on Gold and Stocks (CNBC, 2009 October 16) -- Hugh states stocks and gold are very crowded trades.

Some very different perspectives.